Is Munchkin really 4 months old?? Wow!
Grandpa Kurt wished him happy birthday yesterday and I almost cried!
Here he is practically chewing on his first finger holding it like a hook in his mouth. So cute!
He had his Pediatrician appointment on Friday and is healthy as can be! He's 17lbs, 10ounces and 25inches now! His weight gain has "slowed down" since we've figured out he was taking in too much fore-milk. He's still sleeping well for us and is an extremely content baby as always! He has almost outgrown his Moses Basket (which he loves to kick against the bottom of) and will transition soon to being in his big-boy crib, but we'll still use his infant positioner, as he isn't rolling yet while he sleeps and seems to like to be on an incline.
Even though, of course, he can't actually stand yet, nor sit up on his own, we HAVE tried putting him in his "exersaucer," stuffing towels in around him for support. As you can see, he enjoys reaching for the toys and looking at the bright colors. (He also loves to sit on the couch and watch TV with Daddy, but as cute as that is, won't ever see a pic of that on the blog -- I'm too "ashamed" of that to post a pic of it for the world to see. HaHaHa!!)
This past weekend, we went to my parents house! We got to go out on a "hot date" Friday night to a great Mexican restaurant and to see the movie, Julie and Julia (which was WONDERFUL).
Other than that, not too much is new in our household...I have been busy doing my sewing projects. We've stayed inside a lot this summer -- it's been hot and he shouldn't be in the sun too much; so, we've found things to do inside like go to the local bookstores, take our walks inside the mall, and try out new recipes in the kitchen! But I have also been getting out of the house more each week to socialize with some other mommies I've met. Soon, I'll even be hosting an "Under Ones" Playdate at my house each month, which should prove to be GREAT fun for him as he grows!
Well, that's all for now. We hope you have a wonderful summer.
Check back to the blog soon!
WOW! He is really growing! Such a beautiful little boy Connie! Looks like he is having a great time 'exploring' on that nice tummy playmat you made. Can't wait to see you, Raj, Reddy and Ellie!