
Longies Links

I don't really use a pattern for making Munchkin's pants, but if you'd like to make your own, here are the best, free tutorials I've found online to pass along to you.  Let me know if you make a pair -- I'd love to see pics!

Sleeve Longies: using the sleeve you kip 2 steps.  Sewing the outside seams, and adding a cuff to the ankle.)
Sleeve Longies  Photo Tutorial, using a simple elastic waistband
GreenKitchen's Phtoto Tutorial (in detail), using an elastic waistband
MakeBabyStuff's Photo Tutorial, using the sweater's own ribbing to create waistband (this is basically the method I used for Munchkin's longies HERE and the blue pair HERE)
Sewing Dork's Photo Tutorial, shows how to also work with a sweater that has sleeves that are too short.

Wool Applique: 
HappyCrazyLife's: Photo Tuturial on cotton, but can be used for appliquéing onto wool  (this is basically the method I used on the lollipop longies HERE)
FabricObsession's: Photo Tutorial on cotton.  Similar to first tutorial, but when you machine appliqué onto WOOL however, or any stretchy material, you want to use a stabilizer/interfacing underneath the wool so that it doesn't shift.

Meg's Easy Waistband: Awesome Tutorial of the simplest waistband ever!  It cuts out 2 steps: having to sew a casing first, and threading the elastic (annoying).  Plus, it prevents the elastic band (if you use a wider width elastic) from rolling/twisting over time!!  

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